Development of robust optimal vehicle dynamics function in the presence of parameter variability from production and service

Development of robust optimal vehicle dynamics function in the presence of parameter variability from production and service

Author: Peter Schäfer, Bert van de Lindeloof, Andreas Wöhler
ISBN: 3180913509
Publisher: VDI Verlag

This paper describes the coupling of vehicle dynamics simulation with statistical methods such as Design of Experiments and Monte-Carlo analysis. In the early 90's, Ford Motor Co. pioneered by applying this approach in early product development stages to investigate the influence of component variability on subsystem and total vehicle behavior.

Within Systems Engineering, this approach was used to define tolerance limits of component and subsystem properties. Moreover, it served as a basis for design optimization of functional performance and design robustness with respect to parameter variability.

Systems Engineering, Vehicle Dynamics, Simulation, CAE, Design of Experiments, Monte-Carlo Analysis

Schäfer, P.; van de Lindeloof, B.; Wöhler, A.: Realisierung optimaler Fahrdynamik-Funktion unter Berücksichtigung von Parameterstreuungen aus Fertigung und Betrieb. In: VDI-Berichte Nr. 1350, Düsseldorf : VDI-Verlag, 1997

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